Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Effective Presentation Tips

1.       Grab attention within first 30 seconds.
2.       Begin with a story .Don’t bore your audiences with introductory remarks..
3.       Stories are powerful because people are hardwired to listen stories.
4.       Take audiences to a mental journey.
5.       Share a personal story.
6.       Conflict makes a story irresistible .
7.        Stronger the conflict , more captivating the story will be.
8.       The conflict in the story is what keeps your audience curious.
9.       Its important to bring characters alive by providing details about the way they look.
10.   Sensory information allows audience to create a mental image of characters.
11.   Always follow the principle of “ Showing “ instead of “ Telling”.
12.   Include as many senses as possible-
Visual- what can you see ?
Auditory – what can you hear ?
Kinesthetic – what can you feel, either physically or emotionally ?
Olfactory – What canyou smell ?
Gustatory – What can you taste ?
13.   Specific details help audiences to see what you’re saying.
14.   Specificity adds internal credibility to the presentation.
15.   Positive message stories are inspiring.
16.   Leave audience on an emotional high.
17.   Use Dialogue and not Narration.
18.   Story must contain the spark that allowed the character to overcome the conflict.
19.   Show the change in the character.
20.   Leave audience with key takeaway message.
21.   Make takeaway message short so that audience can remember and repeat it.